Source - Kikki-k Collaborative Happiness Project
This year my first resolution is to keep my blog going!
I am determined to endeavour to actually stick to my resolutions this year. Some are the same old, same old but others I have taken up due to the wonder of social media and the virtual 'friends' I have had the pleasure of 'meeting'!
Quite obviously the first resolution is the title for this post! We all get so embroiled in 'doing stuff' that we lose sight of what is important! Work enables us to do so much yet leaves us drained, distracted and sometimes disillusioned with the world around us! My work, Paediatric Intensive Care, always makes me realise how simple my life is and how complicated some others lives are, I am truly grateful to be on the side of the bed I'm on.
However that does not mean my life is without frustrations, my youngest, H, is rapidly approaching teenage-dom and is challenging to say the least, delighting in playing one off against the other (we are a step-family so 'Dad' is texted over every event that does not meet with H's approval) and generally being a normal pre-teen, by that I mean untidy, argumentative, idle and prone to being a little smelly every so often!! I will save more detail for future posts.
K, now 14, works hard, studies lots and has settled down a lot. This age is interesting, she is definitely becoming her own person, dealing with changing friendship groups (girls can be so awkward), admiring glances and approaches from the opposite sex (including a 4 month boyfriend)
and, to my complete joy, discovering the films I watched at her age, starting with 'The Breakfast Club' so I get to watch them all over again (my brother will love this)!!
L and K, the eldest and boyfriend, have both got new jobs, interests (L is into knitting and crochet - another resolution of mine is to get her to teach me) and are busy planning a trip away to. New York! We went for my 40th, report to follow, and I hope they have the most amazing time, I cannot wait to go back!!
E has settled down with her boyfriend J, they both have new jobs too and J seems to be doing really well and climbing the ladder already and they are planning a future together, flat/house discussions and the like. J is lovely and I think he will fit in perfectly with our madness. We will soon find out as we're all off to CentreParcs later this year...cannot wait!
Mr W continues to be my rock, better half and steadying influence! I am prone to a vivid imagination and can be slightly melodramatic (sometimes) but he brings reason into my life and reassures me that he will always be there for me and I love him!!
Just a brief(ish) update and more resolutions to follow as 2015 is the year of 'sticking to it'
*well I promise to try my hardest!
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