Sunday, 6 January 2013

A sobering thought

Happy New Year to all my followers! I hope you all had a lovely, peaceful Christmas and are raring to go for the year ahead?

January is officially depressing and I have made mine somewhat worse by joining in with both Dry January and New Year, New Body at the same time...glutton for punishment!!

Dry January is going well, although I am not feeling it as much as I hoped! I have found it increasingly difficult to get to sleep, am having the most bizarre dreams and still feel groggy in the mornings. Scarily I didn't think I drank that much for it to have a massive impact on me either physically or mentally, I only did it to try to boost the New Body thing!! A wake up call for sure.

The New Year,  New Body thing is really the same resolution I make every year, only phrased slightly differently. I would really like NOT to make it next year! I have plenty to aim for this year, two of my best friends turn 40 and both are having parties, we have two holidays booked and one, Lanzarote, will require revealing flesh and I promised myself and my best friend that when I do the Race for Life this year I would do the 10k, instead of the 5k, as I want to do it before I turn 40 (looming) I really need to pull my finger out!!

So, what to do you do when you have plenty of motivating factors but no actual about it!

I have made other resolutions too, some of which depend on other things falling into place and others which are solely down to me. The most important is to spend more time with my family, doing family things. K and H are growing up (far too) quickly and I know that in a blink of an eye we will just become a transport system and (even more of a) cash point and they won't want to be with us as much. I think the answer may help with another resolution too, Skiing! Mr W is a big fan, I, and the children have never done it, mainly due to my dyspraxic tendencies, but I have agreed to give it a go and have some lessons, maybe I will surprise myself and it will be my sport (I think this highly unlikely and comfort myself with the fact that there will be the apres ski to partake of!!)

So by next year I expect to report that I have the body I always wanted, have remained teetotal after being horrified by the side effects of one months abstinence and am a ski fiend! Watch this Space

L x

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