Hellooooo!! I have not dropped of the face of the planet! Life is just totally getting in the way of my ability to Blog :(((
Exciting stuff that has prevented it, in case you missed it WE HAVE MOVED!!! Finally!! (deep sigh of relief by mine and Mr W's work colleagues...think we became complete bores towards the end) the house is amazing, so much space and incredibly we are nearly straight, and we only moved in on Friday. Mr W has worked like a Trojan (machine) and was totally on a mission!!
Down side, I worked the night we moved and the night after, one off and then back in for two more nights, that accounts for my extreme exhaustion and lack of writing ability!! I am in tonight on, so far 3 hours sleep, too much on my mind to sleep, well that and the deafening sound of the new doorbell that I couldn't place and then missed a delivery (new sheets for the super king bed that arrives on Friday..hooray)
Lack of Internet, I am writing this on my iPhone, very tricky indeed! We do have a Dongle in the house but I have no idea what to do with it (should have taken Mr W up on the teaching session offer) so this entry will be short and sweet!!
I am looking forward to having Saturday and Sunday off with all my family home, we are planning to relax together although we have said we would like to go to Costco, the new M & S that has opened near us, John Lewis (second favourite shop on the planet) and Homebird, new discovery in nearby town that knocked JL off the top spot!!! So not quite sure when we are going to relax but will be great to spend some time together and get lots of lovely 'stuff' for our new home!!
The champagne is on ice for Saturday night, Buck's Fizz for K and H our favourite curry as meal of choice for our own little, family house-warming!! I cannot wait :)))
Be back soon
L x
Congratulations on moving house!