Wednesday, 21 November 2012

Parents Evening

I am about to head off to H's parents evening appointment and the same sense of dread spreads over me that I used to get as a child, why is that?

My school days were fairly average, a B/C girl, a plodder, my Mum kindly called me, nothing remarkable, except the episode mentioned in a previous blog (Avoidance Tactics). I was in the top sets but usually at the bottom wishing I was top of the second set!! Sixth form was a similar experience, I think the most productive thing I achieved whilst there was a poem I wrote in my British History mock exam, on a tissue, that was later published, in a proper book (I still have it and went on to get another published too)

I think the dread comes of wanting more for my children, to achieve more  than I did, to have better prospects in this dog-eat-dog world, to shine amongst their peers and to be well liked all at the same time. Too much to ask? Probably but I think if most of us were honest that's the truth!

Don't get me wrong I am incredibly happy with my lot, as I have said before, I have an amazing family and circle of friends, I do the job I love and live a good life  so what do I want for my children? Do I want to be told they are exceeding all targets, excelling in every subject or that they are happy, helpful and work hard? Definitely the latter!

K's current choice of job when she leaves school is to be a personal shopper, although I am not entirely convinced she has grasped the concept wholly, and to marry someone rich...hang on to that thought honey they're are not many of them about, not ones you would like to marry anyway! So glad to see she has taken on board the values I have worked hard to instil in her!!!

H on the other hand harbours an ambition to be a paramedic, a job well suited to his non-stop personality!! (See 'Live life as a dog) A much more solid choice of profession and I think he would be brilliant at it!! Time to face the teachers...

L x


Wow!! H's teachers want a class full of hims!! I must admit I felt immense pride in my son tonight, hearing how he is helpful, attentive, tries hard, works steadily, how he has settled in beautifully at his new school and is the sort of boy you want your daughter to marry. Mr W and I must be doing something right then :D

Monday, 19 November 2012

Happy with Lumpy??

No, I am not talking about custard! When I joined weight watchers at the beginning of the summer holidays, in order to become stick-like for a Christmas do, this is how my friend described us! SN you know it was you and I didn't take offence.

I did really well initially, 6lbs in the first week. Then, having very nearly reached my target, I went back to work... and so began the downward spiral!! I am now very sad to report I am back at my pre-diet weight, the only pounds I have lost are the £££ I paid for the ritual weigh-in every Monday, and that the 'do' it was all in aid of is now less than two weeks away.Where did I go wrong? I am not entirely sure, although I think my love of food does not help my cause.

Don't get me wrong, I have been bigger, nearly two stone heavier when I got married (so he must really love me) and when I returned from the year-that-never-was at University I was even heavier than that, but I would love to be thinner, just a bit!!

My children, in the days when you couldn't shower alone, once gave me a brutal joint analysis on my body. Apparently my tummy wobbled when I moved (H), as did my bottom (K) and my arms when I clap * mental note to self to never applaud in public, and I was, at that time over a stone lighter than I am now!!

Now, I am very aware that I have a pre-teen girl in the house and I should be very careful about how I lose weight. Endless questions about the 'point' value of foods at meal times demonstrated that my dietary needs were influencing my whole family and that, I considered, was not healthy! We try teach our children about the important aspects of life and sometimes forget that,despite themselves, they do see us as role models and do not I want to encourage an obsessional attitude towards food and eating in them.

My friend,TL, has just started a diet and has lost a stone already, you can really tell as well. However, I do not think another slimming club is the answer for me though.

So, what is the answer? I have no idea!! I have weighed myself this morning and recorded it, as Mr W declared that the only person who can do it is me, (maybe he was not so happy with the chunky version), which is a start. I think I need to practise some self discipline and get more exercise or  just be happy with lumpy!!

All ideas gratefully received.

L x

Friday, 16 November 2012

Back on the Blog!!

A thousand apologies for my lack of blogging, it is nearly two months since the last one!! I think the move, interview and work finally caught up with me (I didn't get the job but am delighted for my two friends at work who did)

I was hoping to do this via the 'proper' Internet but as a certain telephone company let us down again on Tuesday I am still operating via the world of dongle!

We have, post move, experienced an awful lot of bad customer service, phone, gas, electric and TV to name the worst offenders,  and it makes it blatantly obvious, why this country is in such a mess!! Lack of communication, with us, previous service providers, inter-company has left us increasingly frustrated!! If I did my job how some of these people do theirs I would have serious complaints, disciplinary procedures taking place and quite possibly an even sicker child on my hands.

To sum up the worst of it to communicate our phone number, to the phone company, Mr W had to say to the operator  "You count to ten and I'll tell you when to stop" amusing to K, increasing blood pressure for Mr W, unbelievable!

Anyway, we have all settled beautifully, not quite sure how we ever managed in a smaller house! H is doing amazingly at his new school, K continues to blossom into a lovely young woman (when the attitude is shelved), Mr W loves the fact he can get on the PS3 and we can all go in the other room to watch TV and the dogs have developed a fascination with the stones around the edge of the house which hovers somewhere between amusing and annoying!!!

I am aiming to be back blogging updates of life as it falls frantically towards Christmas and the New Year and I hope you will join me

L x

Monday, 24 September 2012

Not my strong point...

Patient is something I have never claimed to be! How can you be ok about waiting for something? I have never got my head round that one!

The last fortnight has been filled waiting, what with the house move and my interview but we have all survived...just!! Mr W has gone back to work, following 9 days of packing/unpacking, I think for a well earned rest and I am enjoying my first day in the house with no real work to do!!! I need distraction though, I have I mentioned I'm not very patient?

The weekend was a lovely distraction, lazy breakfast, shopping, new M&S, slightly disappointing as no lighting or technology, Costco, my virgin trip, some amazing bargains and some very tasty BBQ sauce!! The evening involved our celebratory meal of choice, Curry, sticky toffee pudding with clotted cream washed down with Moët (bucks fizz for the children) My weight watcher leader would have been so proud ;(((

Sunday brought rugby training, had forgotten how damp creeps up your legs (mental note to self to wear more suitable footwear). For lunch we were joined by L and E, proper family time, great meal, cooked by Mr W so tasted even better! Cheesecake for dessert promptly followed by a dog walk to create room for some real cheese, yummy selection courtesy of Costco again! The homework challenge had been overcome in the morning which meant that Sunday evening was battle free, yippee!

My brother popped in with his brood, they came in the new van, serious business now, if you ever need an appliance fixing he's your man, very well done for setting up and building a good business in less than a year, we are all very proud!!

After supper, bagels and hot chocolate with the works, we could just relax, something we have not done enough of in the last few weeks, and enjoy having the room to spread out, brilliant!!

So now it's back to waiting, waiting at the moment for a plumber as we have one heated floor tile but no working radiator in our bathroom (the floor tile is a byproduct we think), for the rain to ease off just a little so I can take the dogs out and for a phone call to say how my interview went, (not the best I think the more time goes on) which isn't going to come until later in the week!!

I do NOT like waiting!!

L x

Tuesday, 18 September 2012

Disappearing Act!!!

Hellooooo!! I have not dropped of the face of the planet! Life is just totally getting in the way of my ability to Blog :(((

Exciting stuff that has prevented it, in case you missed it WE HAVE MOVED!!! Finally!! (deep sigh of relief by mine and Mr W's work colleagues...think we became complete bores towards the end) the house is amazing, so much space and incredibly we are nearly straight, and we only moved in on Friday. Mr W has worked like a Trojan (machine) and was totally on a mission!!

Down side, I worked the night we moved and the night after, one off and then back in for two more nights, that accounts for my extreme exhaustion and lack of writing ability!! I am in tonight on, so far 3 hours sleep, too much on my mind to sleep, well that and the deafening sound of the new doorbell that I couldn't place and then missed a delivery (new sheets for the super king bed that arrives on Friday..hooray)

Lack of Internet, I am writing this on my iPhone, very tricky indeed! We do have a Dongle in the house but I have no idea what to do with it (should have taken Mr W up on the teaching session offer) so this entry will be short and sweet!!

I am looking forward to having Saturday and Sunday off with all my family home, we are planning to relax together although we have said we would like to go to Costco, the new M & S that has opened near us, John Lewis (second favourite shop on the planet) and Homebird, new discovery in nearby town that knocked JL off the top spot!!! So not quite sure when we are going to relax but will be great to spend some time together and get lots of lovely 'stuff' for our new home!!

The champagne is on ice for Saturday night, Buck's Fizz for K and H our favourite curry as meal of choice for our own little, family house-warming!! I cannot wait :)))

Be back soon

L x

Sunday, 9 September 2012

Happiness is...wearing a bucket on your head!!

This could be me, many years ago I sat, with my oldest, and I'm glad to say, still one of my best friends (LLJ) and we had our photo taken, we could have been these two children!! I still have the proof too!!

This picture speaks volumes about the wonderful, simple, acceptance children have of each other!! True friendship can last a lifetime.

This is my happiness picture! I can recall it at any time and it will allow my shoulders drop, a deep sigh escape from within and a broad smile lightens my face!!

Happiness is what we all strive for, for ourselves, our families and friends, so when did it become more complicated than sitting in the buff, feet dangling in the water with a bucket on your head?

Do you have a 'Happiness' picture?

Please share them or feel free to borrow mine :D


Thursday, 6 September 2012

A piece of me!

To some of my readers you already know most (all) of this but for those of you who don't welcome to my life!

I am 38, the big 40 looming, but I'm quite looking forward to it, the real freedom that comes with age and not really caring what people think! I have spent a lot of my life trying to please others and now it's time to please myself.

I am married (2nd time...finally came to my senses) after a whirlwind romance, to the most lovely man, my true soul mate and he is a Fireman to boot (we are living the Ann Summers dream, what with me being a nurse!!) I don't think a day has gone by since we met that I haven't laughed and the support he has shown me is amazing. I thank my lucky stars I agreed to go on that Blind Date! I love Lattes with friends, or alone if no-one is available and chocolate, any kind, I really don't care and I work on a children's intensive care unit, apart from my family these are the most consistent aspects of my life, hence the blog title.

We have his and hers children but refer to them as ours. L is 22, she is so like her Dad it's frightening, she is a lovely young woman whom I pester on a regular basis to make me a Grandma. She is crafty, thoughtful and a pleasure to be around. E is 16, has just got her GCSE's, did really well and we are very proud of her. She is looking for a job which is tough in this current climate but she is trying her hardest and would be an asset to anyone who employs her. Her laugh measures somewhere, quite high up, on the Richter scale and her greatest love is Disney Movies, especially Toy Story. K is 12, second year at high and rapidly developing her own, quite loud personality according to her friends, no idea where she gets that from ;)) She is tall, very tall and is, thankfully, becoming the young woman I hoped she would, has a love of chocolate (guilty of that one too) and is obsessed with FRIENDS. H is 10, the baby, and the only boy (mothered by all except K) and you have heard all about him in a previous blog, Live life as a dog.

Speaking of which we also have N and J, our dogs! Complete mentalists, dirt magnets, partners in howling whenever we approach their favourite dog walk, how do they know?

Now you know a little more about me I hope that encourages you to continue reading


Tuesday, 4 September 2012

Back to work blues???

I love my job! I know not everyone can say that so I feel quite privileged to enjoy what I do! I am also in the very lucky position to have blagged a term-time(ish) contract at work, which basically means I get the whole summer holidays off, bliss!! (Not Christmas though hence the 'ish') The downside is, of course, that is an absolute killer getting up for that first shift, at 5:50 and knowing you won't be home until 9pm.

I have to say that, sadly, I was looking forward to going back! I can feel the wave of shock from my friends on PICU, but I do genuinely love what I do. I like my colleagues, I like the nature of the work, I like the fact that I work nearly full time (34.5 hours) but only have to go in 3 times a week, despite all the bad press I earn a reasonable sum of money (never enough though, wouldn't object to a pay rise) and my job presents me with, on the whole, a different day, every day.

I never thought I would get the opportunity to go back to my chosen profession and I count my blessings that Mr W was incredibly supportive when I said I wanted to return to nursing following a 5 year break, although I do think the idea of a uniform in the house played a factor in his excitement! It wasn't easy though, working full-time, clinical placement, 80 hours, and a 4500 word assignment that demonstrated my understanding of how nursing practice had altered in my absence!!

I have to say it was so worth it, despite the shouting, door-slamming and sobbing (pattern forming - see Avoidance Tactics Blog) mostly on my part, again! Since I have gone back I have had the odd wobble, working nights after doing an 830 - 330 job took a bit of getting used to but with the support of my family, friends and the new friends I have made at work, I am through it, out the other side and smiling! I had a lovely conversation with a younger friend at work yesterday and I found her attitude totally refreshing, and I know you will read this R!! She too, loves her job and I admire her for saying it in the current climate!!

So, was it a case of back to work blues? Not at all, I had a great shift with some of the loveliest people and am looking forward to going back in on friday night!! We spend too much of our time in work to not enjoy it!! Love what you do or do something else


Sunday, 2 September 2012

Psychic Hen Night

Last night I had a new experience! The hen night part wasn't it!

 I went to my friends house, beautifully decorated by the way H, to help celebrate her sister's forthcoming nuptials! A, you looked amazing, the glowing bride-to-be! I wasn't sure if I was going to be able go to due to the impending house move (please refer to previous blog). H and A had organised for a medium to come to the party and do readings for anyone who wanted one. I must admit I was a little sceptical and nervous just being there.

I have, occasionally, felt the urge to visit a medium, at times in my life when I needed reassurance and hope. I am, fortunately, no longer in a position that I need this as have, very happily, remarried, returned to the profession I love and my life it, to all intents and purposes, pretty perfect!

However, curiosity got the cat, this woman had been brought to me, on a plate, it would be careless of me not to seize this opportunity, wouldn't it?

I think I got the best deal! C had 'prepared' a reading for the first 12 people she knew she was seeing, I was 13, unlucky for some, not this time, she was not prepared for me! Don't get me wrong, some of what she said was possibly slightly generic but I could not explain away all I what she said, especially when we had just discussed Mr W and she 'received' his first name...I jumped in my chair, properly!!!

I had a fantastic night, loved the medium and the fact that she could only see positive aspects to my life and did reassure me that I am on the right path!!

L x

Friday, 31 August 2012

Live life as a dog!!!

I read somewhere recently that we all have a lot to learn from a dogs approach to life, they greet every day as if it it were  'the best day ever'! Being the owner of 2 of the species, (one springer, one cocker)I can totally agree, and it also leads me to believe that my 10 year old son is, in fact, a dog!!!

What leads me to this conclusion? Well, where do I start? H is an early bird, we have him well trained now and he gets up, goes downstairs, let's the dogs out and, the majority of the time, leaves us be until we arise. This, I hear you say, does not make him a dog, and I agree! The fact that when we do drag ourselves out of our pit we are greeted by a torrent of questions ranging from 'What are we doing today? After breakfast? After dinner? After tea? Are we doing anything after tea? Can I go out on my bike? (not a 7o'clock in the morning, H, no), I found this on the Internet, can I get one? I've decided I'd like to play the drums/guitar/trombone can I have lessons? How do you become a professional rugby player? If I am a paramedic when I'm older can I be a motorbike one?

Can I just get a cup of tea first? Please?

What I have failed to mention is that H has a history of hearing problems, this means that all of the above questions are usually said, sorry shouted, loud enough to compete with the fact that we live on a flight path to Manchester airport!

The 'dog' element to H's personality is a) the velocity at which he meets each day, so much to do, so little time b) the fact that not only does he run, everywhere, he cannot sit still either and c) the fact that his questions, that constantly pepper our day, come at you like dogs of a lead, full throttle and moving swiftly from one to the next, at least he refrains from peeing everywhere!!

Having said all this I obviously love the bones of this child and would not have him any other way (well maybe slightly quieter) and think I should probably take a leaf out of his book and greet each day slightly more enthusiastically rather than focusing on the 'chores' ahead! He has his whole life in front of him and is just trying to make the most of it, and it's my job to cheer him on!!!

Love you son xxx

A Moving experience

When I was growing up I often wondered why we never moved house. My Mum and Dad had had their house built when they were married, extended as required and could afford to, so I put it down to sentimentality! What I should have realised was that they had their heads totally screwed on and the foresight to realise what a hideous process moving house actually was!!

The last time I moved I was doing it on my own, in the throes of divorce and to be perfectly honest, on reflection, the whole thing was a bit of a blur. I do remember tearful phone calls with the estate agent and begging the solicitor to hurry up to get me out but apart from that just fuzz, possibly due to the fact that my staple diet was White Zinfandel!

So, imagine my surprise when this house sale/ purchase, done with the support of the wonderful Mr W, becomes more stressful than my previous experience! The level of incompetence, the amount of misleading information given out and the total lack of a thorough approach to their practice begs me to ask the question, "what the hell are we paying for?".

I am not going to point the finger, if this blog ever gets read by the people concerned I hope their cheeks are burning with shame! I know for a fact that if I practiced, in my position, in the same way they do I would be sacked.

Needless to say I am NEVER moving again, I shall leave my house, when I eventually get there, in a wooden box. Mum and Dad, I bow to your infinite wisdom.

Wednesday, 29 August 2012

Disasterous Hair

I have had some hideous hairstyles in the past, some inflicted by my parents and some I have to take full responsibility for myself! Like the VERY curly perm with poker straight fringe (parents), the Princess Di look (only those of a certain generation will understand this - again parents)  or the Ready Brek orange glow look on my last year at high school photo (courtesy of Henna hair dye which both looked and smelt like a cowpat - unfortunately I did this too myself) and then there is today.

Today is a self inflicted day!!! I could cry, really I could, in fact I very nearly did, in front of my best friend, her three children and my two, after I'd looked in a mirror!

See, the advantage of being at a hairdressers, whether you like having to sit opposite yourself for an hour or so scrutinising all your flaws or not, is that you can observe what is happening to what, as a woman, is one of your defining features! I'm not sure if I would have liked to witness today's 'experiment'. Certainly not when my husband sees it and says "It's a bit short and you know what the eldest will say you look like" L, I know you will be reading and, though it pains me to say it, he is right!

My only comfort right now is a bottle of red, my favourite programme on TV tonight, it will take much less time to dry in the morning when I'm on a long day and the voice in my head that keeps reiterating "It will grow" Not quick enough for my liking :(((

Avoidance Tactics

I have long been a master in the art of avoidance, usually to my own detriment! It started at High school, the odd dodge of homework (until busted at a Parents Evening, that was a messy one, a 'discussion' with my Mum and Dad, mostly punctuated by raised voices, sobs and door slamming! Beginning to see where my daughter gets it from... Continued through university, I don't think that ink was still dry on 99% of my assignments. It remains one of my numerous flaws.
Things I am currently avoiding a) packing, not just for a holiday,(although I hate that with a passion too) no this is house packing, we are due to move next week and I just can't bring myself to do it. The biggest problem is I know what this will lead to, a frenetic episode of all aspects of our lives being shoved dramatically into boxes, raised voices, sobs and more door slamming, sounding familiar? b) a 10 minute presentation I need to do for a interview in just over 3 weeks and I really want the job! and c) labelling uniform in anticipation of the new school year (not necessary for my angst ridden 12 year old...not cool apparently).
My avoidance tactics have so far involved having my friends children over for the day yesterday, how much noise can five children make? (Plenty, just ask my neighbours!) how much water can come inside as the result of a water fight? (do the words reservoir and deluge conjure up an image?) Creating a blog, although I am hoping this venture will prove worth while and continue long after my interview and house move, and catching up on a lot of reading. All incredibly worthwhile uses of my time I think.
Plus I still have baking a cake for a friends birthday, shopping, long dog walks and catching up with friends, mine and the children's to distract me although I do think Mr W may have something to say about all this over the weekend....

Wish me luck ;)))

Tuesday, 28 August 2012

First night nerves

Well, here goes nothing!

Interesting choice of blog name? These three 'things' feature heavily in my life!

At 38 I am trying blogging to see how well I do, always believed the saying "there is a book inside everyone" and am hoping the act of blogging will lead me down this path. I am a wife, mother,  stepmother, daughter, granddaughter, sister, nurse and dog owner, I intend on using all of these titles to construct my blog.

I shall be back tomorrow ;))